sábado, 17 de abril de 2010




Cuando vivía en Los Angeles, California, no tenía estudio ni materiales para pintar, así que en un alarde de imaginación (tengo la capacidad de crecerme ante las dificultades), inventé la técnica con su palabra incluida STAPLING.

Consistía en componer espacios estéticos con grapas.

Expuse varias veces y al final colgaron mis cuadros en Rodeo dr. que se supone es la calle  más sofisticada de Beverly Hills. A la inauguración acudió la flor y nata de los angelinos así como japoneses, europeos y yo con el vestido rojo con hombreras que había pertenecido a una princesa ya que le habían hecho dos vestidos iguales por si se le estropeaba uno.

Artist Statement

My life and my artwork are in such harmony that it is impossible to separate one from the other. Sometimes I know about my life through my paintings, and vice versa.
The force of my life pushes me with such strength that I often need to invent new techniques in order to accomplish the requirements of my entelechy.
Such is the case of my recent series of mixed media artwork called "Stapling," because of the constant use of this tool.
My new life in California, my adjustment to this culture and free way of living - the rhythm, the pace - so fast - invite me to take a new step in expressing myself. The result is this new series of paintings related to the American quilt, as a way of approximation and adaptation to the American Heritage.
Here I am, trying to discover my own shadow under the California sun.

Música: María Callas (O Mio Babbino Caro)

viernes, 16 de abril de 2010


Luis le Créaliste


Nous vous proposons un créacte à engagement minimal. Sur la case statut de votre profil du réseau créaliste (c'est-à-dire ici http://crealism.ning.com/ et non pas sur Facebook), inscrivez un mot par jour. Un mot magique écho de votre désir, un mot espiègle et provocant ou bien tissant la chaîne de mots des autres créalistes. Néologismes possibles.

Hello, please engage in a minimal game. On your profile, write one word everyday. A magic word that follows your desire, that makes the other creact or climbs the chain of words of the other crealists. Inventing words is possible.

Thanks for being alive.

Merci d'être en vie.



Dear Blanca,

After my first speaking gig, I have realized it is the fastest and most effective to reach your target market who are looking for your services.

I am grateful that the business owners that I have been meeting are such warm delightful people.

So here is a quick tip to generate massive leads, identify your ideal target market. Find an association or company that has a database of these "ready prospects" and offer to share on a topic that interests them.
Then, watch your sales soar! And the best part is that you are sharing your skills to help them in their business.
In this issue, I share some tips on stepping into your true power to achieve your true potential. You are amazing and brilliant if you allow yourself to be.

Speak to you soon,
Pam Siow, Leads Generation Consultant

Keep In Touch With Me:

Pamelina Blog - Latest Blog Postings
Facebook Account - Be Updated
Twitter Account - Daily Musings

 Choosing To Step Into Your True Power

It has been a great week meeting up with business owners and sharing ideas on how to grow their business through the internet.
Last week, I felt truly empowered as I overcame my slight fear of public speaking and attracted this fantastic group of business owners for further discussions on how to generate leads through the internet.
For this week, I will like to share some tips for stepping into your power. Sometimes you must take action and take the step of faith before the universe starts sharing your true gifts with you.

1) Take the step of belief
Sometimes, even when you are unsure, I recommend taking the step of faith ahead. One tiny example is that when I started my consultancy, I usually print my work at cyber cafes (when my printer broke down) because I was not sure how many clients I would acquire and require printing of documents.
However, one day, I just decide to go ahead and purchase the printer and scanner because I FELT that more clients were coming and I wanted to be ready.And true enough, more clients started rolling in and required me to print more documents.
Hence, take the tiny step of faith. It could be hiring someone, investing in marketing activities, investing into equipment to show your faith in progress in business.
2) Make decisions like your future self
If you want to be a successful business owner or a successful employee, you have to start thinking like your future to project yourself there. Whenever you face a decision, ask yourself, “How would a millionaire business owner react?” and chose to take that decision. By making decisions like your future self, you will generate similar results like your future self.

Love and Blessings,
Pam Siow
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About Pamelina Siow

Pamelina Siow, the Leads Generation Expert of Make It Right II simply loves helping small medium business owners double their profits and gain more free time.
Highly recommended! Pam has transformed my previous website into a much sexier image and branding us as experts in our respective fields

Even though I didn't provide much input, Pamelina was able to conceptualize the company image and branding, revamping us into a much stronger brand. Her experience in her own businesses provides her with the knowledge on what is required to be positioned as an expert online and get prospects to convert.

Definitely worth the marketing investment as my company’s image is much more impressive and the website traffic has increased by 50%.
I expect to see a doubling of inquiries or sales with this complete package of improved online branding and increased targeted traffic in my website! 101% satisfaction with her work. The marketing person to work for increasing the conversion rates of your websites!
Read More Testimonials

Contact us
Make It Right II
133, New Bridge Road, Chinatown Point, #03-05
Phone: +65 96855 853

martes, 13 de abril de 2010


Desde que me he convertido en crealista estoy mas atenta a nuestras acciones de arte que a mi bizblog. Mi bizblog es una utopía, creo que prefiero vivir de la caridad que de acciones comerciales para las que no tengo talento.
A veces lo he intentado pero me dejan sumida en profunda depresión.
Incluso cuando rellené el formulario de Vegap para cobrar mis derechos de autor, a pesar de tenerlo todo en mi ordenador sufrí mucho y para mas inri, me mandaron un mail diciendo que no podían abrir el archivo.
Necesito ayuda.
Un amigo, que trabaja sin ánimo de lucro porque es un caballero a la antigua usanza y quiere seguir siéndolo, me está organizando una expo en las Arenas. Os mantendré informados.

Hasta tal punto tengo problemas con la técnica y con el marketing, que las fotos que saco de mis cuadros no me las aceptan en el banco de imágenes de Vegap porque consideran que son de baja calida.
¿qué hago?

jueves, 8 de abril de 2010


Estoy tratando de encontrar la imprenta o la persona adecuada para encuadernar mis libros de artista sobre la serie playas.
He hecho bastantes gestiones, pero todavía no he encontrado nada que realmente se ajuste a mis ideas.